Friday, July 02, 2004

The Going Away Parties

If there is one thing I truely consider as a personal achievment is the circle of my friends. I mean to include everyone the boys gang, the lovely wives and top it all the kids. Although it is ones actions that determine the outcome, there is also what I believe in "destiny". I have not heard of another group that had so much fun when in college (some of us slept on the same bed and had fun but not the kind you dirty minds are thinking about), went onto work for different companies in different cities and ended up back together is the same area to be able to meet for lunch every week! First it was just us boys (mostly homogeneous in personality and thinking) then the wedded ones brought in variety and kids really kicked it up a notch.

We were lucky enough to be hosted to a quite a few parties and a few BNO (Boys night out). I wasn't feeling emotional (one way or the other) during these parties except the one I went to right after the container and shipped out and Bhavani and kids had left California. I felt sad the last day when I walked out of the house for the last time knowing it wasn't mine anymore and I could not go back there. Although that house holds lots of memories and I am a person who generally dreams a lot, not once has any of the past in that house has come in my dreams so far.

I was lucky enough to spend the last 2-3 days with friends and not alone and that not only drove home, how much these relations mean but also how much I was going to miss out. Especially if you ended up spending those last few days with the best drink-mixer in our gang who makes sure your glass is always full. So, next time you go to his place ask him to fix you up with Hypnotica, the blue drink.

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