Monday, May 24, 2004

When did this start?

First of this is my first attempt at blogging and I have to thank my friend Santosh (aka DaRaj) for actually encouraging me to start putting down my thoughts so that I can reflect back on this whole project several years later and/or something that he or my circle of friends (aka The Gang) can use to harrass me later if I said something contradictory.

Going back to India has never left my mind ever since I came here in 1989. The seriousness and intensity of it changed over the years but never really died down. Back in 2000, had given a very serious thought but failed to pull it off because Bhavani wasn't convinced. In retrospect, she was right since I would have done it for all the wrong reasons of going back and retiring at an age when I should have been contributing to Society in form or another. The wiping away of the all the wealth in the Stock market helped bring me down to reality. The events that took place later also rekindled my penchant for spiritual knowledge which was also something always of interest. I now began to reflect on the more substantive aspects of life and this has definitely brought clarity to my thoughts. Getting back to the timeline I started seriously thinking and actually taking some baby steps back in Oct 2003. I started making contacts and discussing the issues involved in the move and by Jan 2004 was pretty sure that the move was going to happen before June. It was now upto me to pull it off. Things were progressing slowly on the Job hunt and by March I decided Job or no Job I will move. The final no-turning away decision happened on March 26 2004.

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